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Table 6 Measurements of dependent variables (social participation index and psychological distress)

From: Social and psychological implications of actual and defacto childlessness among older persons in East and Southeast Asia


South Korea





Social participation index

Respondents were asked how frequently they currently participate in church or other religious groups; social clubs; sports clubs, arts or music groups or classes for seniors; alumni societies; societies for people from the same hometown; family councils; volunteer groups; or political party, NGOs, or interest groups

Respondents were asked how frequently, during the past 1 month, they interacted with friends; played ma-jong/cards/chess or went to community club; went to a sport, social, or other kind of club; took part in a community-related organization; engaged in voluntary or charity work; or attended an educational or training course

Respondents were asked how frequently, during the past 12 months, they participated in community-based groups (e.g., elderly clubs, co-operative/saving groups) and attended temple/church/mosque

Respondents were asked how frequently, during the past 12 months, they participated in social activities in their community, including an elderly association, farmers’ union, veterans’ association, or women's union

Respondents were asked how frequently, during the past 12 months, they participated in community or political meetings; attended religious ceremonies (including offering food to monks) or group physical exercise; or socialized with friends and neighbors

Psychological distress

Adapted from CES-D

Adapted from SF-36 health assessment instrument

Respondents were asked the extent to which, during the past week, they had felt that things bothered them; had trouble keeping their mind on things doing; felt depressed; felt that everything was an effort; felt fearful; their sleep was restless; felt happy; felt lonely; could not get going; or felt hopeful about the future

Respondents were asked extent to which, during the past week, they had felt that things bothered them; had trouble keeping their mind on things doing; felt depressed; felt that everything was an effort; felt fearful; their sleep was restless; felt happy; felt lonely; could not get going; or enjoyed life

Respondents were asked whether during the past month, they had felt sad; felt unhappy; felt depressed; felt lonely; experienced loss of appetite; felt moody/upset; worried a lot; felt hopeless; or felt that life was not worthwhile

Respondents were asked whether during the past week, they had felt sad; felt unhappy; felt depressed; felt lonely; experienced a loss of appetite; experienced sleeping difficulties; felt happy; or felt peaceful

Respondents were asked whether during the past month, they had felt sad; felt unhappy felt depressed; felt lonely; experienced a loss of appetite; felt moody/upset; experienced sleeping difficulties; felt happy; or felt peaceful

  1. Sources: KLoSA 2012, CHARLS 2011, SOPT 2011, VNAS 2011, MAS 2012