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Table 3 Regression results of factors influencing cultural capital investment

From: From capital to habitus: class differentiation of family educational patterns in urban China


Model 1 (NBR)

Model 2 (OLS)

Model 3 (logistic)

Cultural activities

Books in the home

Shadow education


B (S.E.)

B (S.E.)

B (S.E.)


−0.341 (0.166)*

−37.62 (12.42)*

−3.961 (0.504)***

Eighth gradera

−0.256 (0.049)***

13.598 (4.174)**

−0.659 (0.144)***

Male studentb

−0.054 (0.018)**

−0.575 (2.638)

−0.234 (0.062)***

Han studentc

0.097 (0.065)

6.654 (5.351)

0.355 (0.186)

Father interviewedd

−0.048 (0.021)*

−3.574 (2.796)

0.353 (0.079)***

Urban parente

0.181 (0.034)***

19.829 (3.313)***

0.772 (0.097)***

Parental higher edu.f

0.055 (0.028)*

57.332 (4.470)***

0.415 (0.115)***

Ln of per family income

0.162 (0.021)***

8.638 (1.514)***

0.504 (0.065)***

Parents’ occu. classg


 Upper middle class

0.126 (0.029)***

24.620 (4.757)***

0.423 (0.117)***

 Lower middle class

0.084 (0.028)**

7.979 (3.281)*

0.368 (0.079)***

Parents’ subjective classh


 Upper middle class

0.168 (0.038)***

23.416 (3.919)***

0.154 (0.125)

 Lower middle class

0.076 (0.039)*

4.320 (4.340)

0.176 (0.126)

 Unable to classify

0.109 (0.037)**

8.138 (4.224)

−0.015 (0.118)

  1. Table 3 includes negative binomial regression of participation in cultural activities, OLS regression of number of books in the home, and logistic regression of attendance at shadow education. N = 5411. The reference categories for each variable are as follows: afourth grader, bfemale, cminority, dmother, erural households, fdid not receive higher education, goccupational lower class, and hsubjective lower class. Coefficients in the table are nonstandardized regression coefficients; standard errors in parentheses are robust standard errors controlling for classroom cluster effects
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001