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Table 4 Ordinal logit regression results of parenting orientation

From: From capital to habitus: class differentiation of family educational patterns in urban China


Model 4

Model 5

Model 6

Intolerable to contradict teacher

Children can choose their own activities

Discuss activities with children


B (S.E.)

B (S.E.)

B (S.E.)

Eighth gradera

−0.227 (0.068)**

0.074 (0.070)

−0.005 (0.064)

Male studentb

−0.007 (0.051)

0.195 (0.043)***

0.112 (0.059)

Han studentc

0.131 (0.154)

0.106 (0.136)

0.096 (0.130)

Father interviewedd

0.058 (0.056)

−0.022 (0.058)

0.105 (0.059)

Urban parente

−0.051 (0.065)

−0.234 (0.073)**

0.040 (0.064)

Parental higher edu.f

0.231 (0.060)***

−0.303 (0.081)**

0.072 (0.070)

Ln of per family income

0.010 (0.033)

−0.050 (0.028)

0.028 (0.035)

Parents’ occu. classg


 Upper middle class

0.105 (0.083)

0.079 (0.088)

0.183 (0.088)*

 Lower middle class

0.014 (0.066)

−0.048 (0.066)

0.036 (0.066)

Parents’ subjective classh


 Upper middle class

−0.038 (0.095)

−0.073 (0.093)

−0.018 (0.090)

 Lower middle class

−0.079 (0.098)

−0.012 (0.096)

0.152 (0.098)

 Unable to classify

−0.002 (0.100)

0.002 (0.091)

0.140 (0.097)

Cutpoint 1

0.208 (0.305)

−3.177 (0.236)***

0.331 (0.274)

Cutpoint 2

1.101 (0.309)***

−1.441 (0.216)***

2.403 (0.284)***

Cutpoint 3

2.015 (0.323)***

0.486 (0.219)*

3.986 (0.308)***

  1. N = 5411. The reference categories for each variable are as follows: afourth grader, bfemale, cminority, dmother, erural household, fdid not receive higher education, goccupational lower class, and hsubjective lower class. Coefficients in the table are nonstandardized regression coefficients; standard errors in parentheses are robust standard errors controlling for classroom cluster effects
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001