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Table 5 OLS regression model of weekly tutoring time of youth during summer and winter holidays (N = 2313)

From: Children born in July and August: a study on the age regulation in primary school and student’s education access and development

Independent variables

Unstandardized regression coefficient

SE of B










Birth month




Birth month2




School type4




Male × school type4 × birth month




Male × school type 4 × birth month2




Family monthly income(yuan)












Grade × family monthly income




Grade2 × family monthly income




Temperament—active learner












Only child




R 2


Adjusted R 2


Significance level of model


  1. Note: (i)Tutoring time is obtained from the question “Average tutoring time during summer and winter holidays”; data is subsequently standardized. Temperament factor is obtained through scale of attitude and behavior; (ii) based on Chinese high school education resource allocation, we investigated different schools of the surveyed teenagers. We categorized education resource allocation as 1 = key class of key school; 2 = ordinary class of key school; 3 = key class of ordinary school; 4 = ordinary class of ordinary school. Now, the school type is no longer a fixed nominal level variable but an ordinal level variable. Thus, we could conduct data conversion and regression
  2. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001