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Table 4 Regression results: full-time drivers N = 5335

From: Labor control and task autonomy under the sharing economy: a mixed-method study of drivers’ work


Regression coefficient

Motivation mechanism is good (reference category: yes)

2.666 *** (.582)

Rating standardizes my service (reference category: yes)

1.313 ** (.588)

Time in the industry

.0108 *** (.00236)


.278 *** (.0389)

Gender (reference category: male)

4.838 ** (1.913)

Year of education

−.586 *** (.127)

Hukou status (reference category: local)

−10.71 *** (.665)

Number of children

.341 ** (.146)

City (reference category: first-tier cities)

1.678 *** (.609)


29.27 *** (2.854)

R 2


  1. Based on the regression results, only significant independent variables are presented here. The same applies to Table 5
  2. *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01