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Table 3 Descriptive statistics of the SHFS 2010

From: The reproduction of working class? Social mobility and the stratification of parenting practice in urban Chinese families


Parent-child relationship

Skill building


Mean (S.D.)

Mean (S.D.)

Dependent variables


 Parent-child relationship

6.53 (.902)


 Skill building




.025 (1.00)

  Emotional expression


−.069 (1.05)

  Overall performance


−.012 (1.00)

Independent variables


 Mobility experience


  Working class immobile



  Downwardly mobile



  Upwardly mobile



  Middle class immobile



Control variables






49.91 (10.04)

49.78 (10.09)

 Had one child



 Had Shanghai hukou



 Education level


  Junior high or lower



  Senior high



  College and above



 Sample size



  1. Note: the standard deviations of the continuous variables are in parentheses